Homesickness is a bummer
I feel a deep longing. I really do. Seriously, I do. I miss hearing Portuguese spoken correctly. I miss knowing the potholes on the streets,...
Leslieville Was Notably Portuguese
However lesser known, was a decent representation of Luso-Canadians in the east end of Toronto. Leslieville was where this writer grew up and remembers a...
Newspaper With Longest Circulation in Canada
After becoming the pioneer in the area of community organizations when the Portuguese Association of Canada was formed in 1956, Montreal was also the cradle...
The FPCBP Needs To Concentrate – The Disputed Election Process
There’s been an inclination for me to write something since the fallout from the FPCBP (Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business & Professionals) General Membership Meeting...
Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business and Professionals – fostering business and community development
The Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business and Professionals (FPCBP) was founded on December 7, 1981. Its initial focus was on the Greater Toronto Area but,...
Working Towards a Culturally Sustainable Future
It is our responsibility to initiate, voluntarily, a new cycle before we are forced to implement reactive measures. As relevant members of our community in...
Portuguese Canadian Club of Sarnia Saved at the Last Minute
The Portuguese Canadian Club of Sarnia, although officially founded in 1982, began to spring into life during the 1970s when the inaugural Feast of St....
AC Minho – Looking to the Future
Associação Cultural do Minho de Toronto (ACMT) has experienced many stages in its nearly fifty years of existence, but none as exciting as in current...
Sol Português – The End of an Era!
Jornal Sol Português has arguably conquered the unofficial title of community leader in print media by publishing articles with high quality and essence. For the...
ACAPO organizes the largest Portugal Day Parade in Canada
Since 1987, the Alliance of Portuguese Clubs and Associations of Ontario (ACAPO) has organized the largest Portugal Day Parade in Canada, and even perhaps in...