Núcleo do FC Porto London

Founding Date:August 1994
FC Porto’s Filial Number:31

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Founded in 1993, Núcleo do Futebol Clube do Porto London was immediately recognized as Filial number 31 by the mother club, in Portugal. The first president was José Ventura and the members of the inaugural board of directors were Joe Marinho, João Cruz, Manuel A. Ventura, Armindo Martins, Deolinda Miranda, José Figueiredo, Albano Moreira, Rui Castelhano, Tony Alves, Alfredo Martins, Tony Costa and José Valente.

In 1996, the organization launched its soccer squad, a men’s team that entered the Western Ontario Soccer League’s Second Division. Although competitive, the team was never able to bring home a major trophy.

The anniversary celebration attracted not only many portistas from southwestern Ontario but also individualities from Portugal. Some of these include Júlio Marques, Rui Barros, António Frasco and Eduardo Luis. It was during these events that, while António Costa was the president of the organization, that FC Porto awarded its Filial in London with its highest distinction: Dragão D’Ouro.

Throughout its existence, London’s representative of FC Porto never settled at a definite physical headquarters. Its events were mainly small gatherings of portistas to celebrate the organization’s anniversary and the many trophies that the mother club won over the years. At some point, the possibility of forming a branch of the Super Dragões in the city became imminent, but it never materialized.

In recent years, the organization has become somewhat inactive. Some of the organization’s presidents, over the years, include José Ventura, Álvaro Ventura and António Costa.

With files from Luso-Ontario Magazine, 2008
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