On this page, you can peruse through various videos, from different sources, related to the presence of the Portuguese in Canada. |
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Portuguese fishermen’s procession with our Lady of Fatima in St. John’s, Newfoundland
In 1955, more than four thousand Portuguese fishermen walked, in procession, from the Port of St. John’s to the Roman Catholic Basilica carrying a replica of Our Lady of Fatima. The statue remains as an enduring symbol of our presence in Newfoundland. Below is a documentary produced by CBC that depicts this memorable event.
Click on the picture to watch the video:

This link also offers you a radio segment on the topic published by CBC Radio. The video and the audio archives are valued documentation of our centuries-old connection with Canada.
Documentary of Portuguese Fishermen off the cost of Newfoundland in 1967
This timeless gem from the CBC series ‘Land & Sea’ is a must watch. For centuries, fishermen from Portugal have developed a special relationship with newfoundlanders. This documentary depicts life on the boat, the daily struggles and successes, and the joy of walking the streets of St. John’s.
Rick Mercer’s satire to defend Portuguese immigrants
The following is a parody produced by Rick Mercer for the Mercer Report, in 2006, that takes aim at then Conservative Government for deporting Portuguese immigrants. The piece portrays the spirit of our immigrants and their contribution to Canada. Although this is not a historical piece, this facet of our presence in Canada will eventually be eroded. Thus, its relevance in this space. Watch the video by clicking on the link below:
Maps depict Portuguese influence in Canada across centuries
The following is a video produced by the YouTube Channel PunchPow ( It depicts various maps that prove that the Portuguese were in fact, among the first Europeans to explore the East Coast of Canada.
First Portuguese Canadian Cultural Centre Ice Hockey Team plays Portugal at Palácio do Gelo, Viseu
The First Portuguese Canadian Cultural Centre was the first ever ice hockey team to represent the Portuguese community in the Greater Toronto. In 2001, it was invited to participate in a three-game series against Portugal’s national team, at Palácio do Gelo, in Viseu. The series marked the first ever international matches played by Portugal. Below is a short video of this historical event, held in June of 2001. Click on the image to watch the video, which will open on a separate page.

Northern Portugal Cultural Centre, in Oshawa, celebrates the 60th anniversary of Portuguese immigration to Canada
In 2013, a few youth members of the Northern Portugal Cultural Centre, in Oshawa, conducted a series of interviews to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Portuguese immigration to Canada.
Portuguese Joe
The following is the story of Portuguese Joe, produced and edited by Bill Moniz. Joe Silva, who hailed from the Azores, was possibly the first Portuguese to settle in western Canada. He was paramount in helping to shape the character of the province of British Columbia.
Pedro da Silva
Pedro da Silva, Canada’s First Postman, is a documentary directed by Bill Moniz depicting the story of this famous Portuguese Canadian.
Portuguese Cleaner’s Action Program (1975)
The following is an interview conducted by Rise Up! with Sidney Pratt and Marcie Ponte who provide a more detailed insight on the Cleaner’s Action movement that improved working conditions for many Portuguese women.
Winnipeg Beach – a place where the Portuguese feel at home
A piece recorded and edited by Paulo Bergantim for LusoCan TV in Winnipeg. Please visit LusoCan TV’s YouTube channel to learn more about the Portuguese community in Winnipeg:
A Voz de Portugal, the First Portuguese-language Newspaper in Canada
A Voz de Portugal, founded in Montreal on April 25, 1961, is the first Portuguese-language newspaper in Canada. Below is a link to a piece released by RTP, Portugal’s national television station, on the publication. The piece begins at the minute 4:00 mark.
Unveiling of the Portuguese Veterans Plaque in Winnipeg, Manitoba
A piece recorded and edited by Paulo Bergantim for LusoCan TV in Winnipeg. Please visit LusoCan TV’s YouTube channel to learn more about the Portuguese community in Winnipeg: