YULA – York University Lusophone Association
Founding Date: | 1982 |
Address: | 4700 Keele Street 006 Winters College Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 |
Telephone: | 905-442-1479 |

Audio Version:
YULA is the evolution of YUPA (York University Portuguese Association) to include all students who come from families who use, or once used, Portuguese as their first language. Founded in 1982, this organization has been promoting the importance of post-secondary studies to Luso-Canadian students in an effort to unite the community through education.
Throughout the years, YULA has promoted various activities of which its annual scholarship for new students must be highlighted. Every year, thousands of dollars are dispersed to students who enter post-secondary studies.
The organization is also part of the Portuguese Alliance of Clubs and Associations of Ontario (ACAPO) and participates in its annual Portugal Day Parade.

YULA has been an important vehicle for the promotion of the lusophone values to the new generation of students. For many years, each February, it has participated in York University’s Multicultural Week showcasing many of the cultural facets that define those who consider Portuguese one of their main languages.
The aging population and the declining involvement of youth in the community associations may signify that student-led organizations such as YULA might very well be the way of the future.
With files from Luso-Ontario Magazine (2008). If you notice errors or misrepresentations in the article, please e-mail contact@lusocanada.com |
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