Rancho Folclórico Nazareno de Leamington
Founding Date: | 1999 |
Address: | 217 Talbot St W Leamington, ON N8H 1N8 |
Telephone: | 519-326-0778 |
Brief History
Audio Version:
Rancho Folclórico da Nazaré was first introduced in the 1980’s but eventually disappeared in the early 1990’s. In 1999, some of the members who had been part of the original group were invited to rehearse a few folklore dances to celebrate the feast of St. John. It was at this event that the group witnessed a rebirth. Coincidentally, the original group had also been founded at this exact same celebration.
The name arose from the simple fact that most of the members of the group hailed from the town of Nazare, in central Portugal. The group maintains the traditions of the fishing town. Its members dance barefoot to the sound of the traditional songs of Nazare.
Despite being institutionally disconnected from the Portuguese Community of Leamington, the official address of the rancho is at the clubhouse and the club’s secretary answers calls on behalf of the group.

Rancho Folclórico da Nazaré has also become an integral part of the festivities organized by the Portuguese Club and it is here that its main annual celebration is held. Each November, the group holds a Night of Folklore which attracts hundreds of guests. Some of the attendees are flown in from the town of Nazare. Some of the activities include theatre, and boat and fishing instruments exhibitions. The event culminates with the folklore group’s performance.
The group has also promoted a fashion show depicting the traditional costumes of Nazare.
The rancho has performed in various locations in the Province of Ontario, including the celebration of Portugal Day in Toronto.
With files from Luso-Ontario Magazine, 2008 |
If you notice errors or misrepresentations in the article, please e-mail contact@lusocanada.com |
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