Rancho Províncias e Ilhas de Portugal
Article based on a piece by Maria Pinto and Janette Pinto, for Luso-Ontario Magazine, 2008.
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The folk group was founded on December 3, 1983, and ‘baptized’ by Rancho de Oshawa with the name of Rancho Províncias e Ilhas de Portugal because it represents all regions of Portugal with its music and dances. It aims to promote the Portuguese culture.
The idea to create the group came from João Prancho who invited four others to help him undertake the project: Joaquim Heleno, Natalia Pedro, António Serradeiro, and Augusto Café. João Prancho was also the one who came up with the group’s name.
The first ever event was not profitable. To compensate for the losses, each family donated symbolics sums to the organization. From there on, the members pay to participate in events and, on top of it, also contribute in the kitchen, waiting tables, and at the bar. It is a collective effort that helps the Folklore group strive financially.
The boys wear the costumes of campino do Ribatejo and the girls the mountaineers of the Algarve.

Rancho Províncias e Ilhas de Portugal has performed for the Portuguese and Canadian communities of Ontario, and has also traveled to various locations in the United States of America. It enters the stage with the Marcha da Boa Gente (March of the Good People), holding flags of each province and archipelagos of Portugal.
The not-for-profit organization has no independent headquarters, paying members, or regular sponsors. Its main sources of income are the funds collected during three main events organized annually: The Friendship Party, the anniversary celebration, and New Year’s Eve Party. It also relies on the generosity of a few Portuguese commercial establishments located in the City of Hamilton.
With files from Luso-Ontario Magazine, 2008 |
If you notice errors or misrepresentations in the article, please e-mail contact@lusocanada.com |
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