Casa dos Açores do Ontário
Founding Date: | 1985 |
Address: | 1136 College Street Toronto, Ontario M6H 1B6 |
Telephone: | 416-603-2900 |
Email: | |
Website: | |

Brief History
Audio Version:
In 1985, a group of Azoreans gathered to discuss the creation of Casa dos Açores de Toronto. Following this successful meeting, 836 Dundas Street West was rented to serve as the organization’s first ever headquarters.
Luis Reis, one of the oldest members of the association, spoke of those initial years in an interview with Luso-Ontario Magazine, in 2008. He began by saying that the organization had been created to help the people from the archipelago “socialize, play cards and dominoes, and to reminisce about the Azores.”
The association remained at this initial location for close to a decade, with very much success. Its growth was such that it decided to move to a bigger building, on 772-A Dundas St. W., a decision that allowed Casa dos Açores to not only grow in membership but also in the quality of services it delivered to its members. “We moved there in December of 1994. The first Azorean Cultural Night was held there. There was an arts exhibition, a festival of traditional songs, and lectures by Luisa Costa from Casa dos Açores of Lisbon. We have also participated in Portugal Day’s Parade representing the archipelago of the Azores. It was important to move there because the hall had a capacity for 170 or 180 people and it allowed us to organize many events. We opened a Portuguese school, we held table tennis and card tournaments, and we even had a Citizenship school”, Luis Reis continued.

In 2009, the organization moved to its current location, on College Street. Here, it has taken on bigger and varied events. It also houses one of the most reputable restaurants in the community, featuring the best of the Azorean cuisine in the city of Toronto.
The Azorean Cultural Week is one of the most anticipated events of the year. For some time, it was even held at the Ontario Place to accommodate all those who were interested in participating. The Cultural week promotes the Azorean culinary, music, art, literature, and history.
In 2006, Casa dos Açores de Toronto moved to change its name to Casa dos Açores do Ontário. Former President, Carlos Botelho, in a 2008 interview with Luso-Ontario explained the reasoning behind the name change. “This change has given us more responsibilities but also more possibilities. We began meeting with all the clubs and associations [of Azorean origin] in Toronto. We want to create a stronger Casa dos Açores. We want to open our doors to all the other clubs. This would be the place where all the associations would settle without changing their identity”, he revealed.
Although the idea made sense in the current environment, it didn’t quite work as expected.
Casa dos Açores do Ontário continues to serve its members not only with social and cultural gatherings but also with a few other initiatives such as community services and a help centre for Portuguese citizens of Azorean descent, a project that has received support from the Regional Government of the Azores.
Casa dos Açores do Ontario is one of 13 casas spread all over the world.
With files from Luso-Ontario Magazine, 2008 |
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