Portuguese Oriental Sports Club
Founding Date: | 1965 |
Address: | 1054 Shellard Road P.O. Box 26045 Cambridge, Ontario N1R 8E8 |
Telephone: | 519-623-2020 |

Brief History
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Portuguese Oriental Sports Club was formed in 1965. It used soccer as its foundation and, although other activities have been implemented by the organization over the years, it has remained faithful to its original purpose.
The achievements over more than 5 decades are diverse, but it was recently, in the mid 2000’s, that the club made the biggest leap in its history by entering the Ontario Soccer League while retaining another team in the Kitchener District Soccer League (KDSL).
However, the present would not be possible without a strong base created by its founders and the Board members that followed.
The organization had, for a quite a while, its headquarters in the city but, in the 1980’s, purchased the plot of land that now houses the club’s facilities just south of the main core. It is men who mostly frequent the house since football has not yet aroused the interest of the local ladies in the community. However, they are the ones who help on the days of events and other activities that the club promotes.

The association, composed of members mostly from the Azores, represents the Oriental of S. Miguel. As such, there is always a great effort to put football as a priority, to support it and to help it achieve success.
If football remains the priority, there are other groups within the association, such as the Senior Group and the Children’s Empire. Every Tuesday, the elders meet at the headquarters to socialize, talk about life, and to play cards and dominoes.
The involvement of the youth continues to be the main struggle, as is the case in most other organizations. It is hoped that football can inject the passion of associative life into the younger ones.
With files from Luso-Ontario Magazine, 2008 |
If you notice errors or misrepresentations in the article, please e-mail contact@lusocanada.com |
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