Asas do Atlântico Sports & Social Club
Founding Date: | February of 1973 |
Address: | 1573 Dundas Street West Toronto, Ontario M6P 1A6 |
Telephone: | 416-531-7771 |

Brief History
Audio Version:
A group of people from the islands of Pico and Faial got together in February of 1973 to form a new community organization in Toronto that would represent their places of origin. They named it Asas do Atlântico (Wings of the Atlantic). Leovigildo Rosa came up with the idea for the name in order to establish the symbology of the geographical situation of the Portuguese emigrant, separated from the homeland by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
The first Board of Directors was chaired by Rui Amaral and included Tomás Andrade, Guilherme Jorge, Manuel Sebastião, and Herculano Menezes. The musical group “Os Panteras” will also forever be linked to this association because they were the ones who performed to a sold-out room at the association’s first ever event. Danças da Chamarrita were also a main feature at this event, marking a tradition that continues to this day.

Although its foundation dates back to the first half of the 1970s, Asas do Atlântico only released its official logo in 1977. Incorporation in the province of Ontario happened on July 31, 1984.
In October of 1992, the association moved to its current facilities.
The folklore group continues to be the main feature of the organization. Its performance of the Chamarrita is one of the most anticipated moments at all of the association’s events.
For about 6 or 7 years, the theatre group “Nossas Raízes” enchanted the membership with numerous productions. However, it is not currently active.
The main annual events are the Bailes Regionais, Sopas do Espírito Santo, and Matanças do Porco. President of the Board, Marília Fraga, showed particular pride in the Matanças because, as she explains, Asas do Atlântico is the only association that carries out the tradition exactly the same way as it is done in Portugal (minus the slaughter of the pig).
The association continues strong, ready to celebrate its 50th anniversary in a very short time.
Member families hail mainly from the islands of Pico and Faial.
With files from Luso-Ontario Magazine, 2008 |
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