Casa dos Açores de Winnipeg
Founding Date | September 13, 1992 |
Address | 55 Higgins Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0A8 |
Telephone | 204-947-0049 | |

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Founded on September 13, 1992 and incorporated on October 16 of the same year, the organization was originally named Centro Cultural Açoriano. It was created to give the Azorean community of Winnipeg an opportunity to celebrate its culture by a group of people who felt that the archipelago was not well represented in the city.
The Centro Cultural began to act as a central point for the Azorean community and, as a result, folklore groups and soccer teams were formed, and various cultural and social gatherings started to occur such as the Danças Carnavalescas and the celebration of different important occasions.
However, at a time when the organization was starting to prosper, it suffered a major setback when its headquarters burned to the ground. This event put a natural halt to the Centro’s operations but its members were not about to quit. Instead, at the turn of the millennium, they gathered and began to plan the rebirth of the association.
In the year 2000, a group of members and supporters began the tedious work of fundraising for a new hall, which was accomplished in record time. Within one calendar year, this group was able to raise enough funds to place a down payment on an old and nearly abandoned warehouse that needed to go through major renovations.
In 2001, the organization permanently changed its name to the current Casa dos Açores de Winnipeg. Shortly after, it became a member of the World Council of Casas dos Açores, which it also hosted years later.
Currently, Casa dos Açores has three folklore groups, a youth group, and a library rich in Azorean literature.

Danças Carnavalescas continues to be one of the most anticipated events of the year, rivaled by the Festas do Divino Espirito Santo, which includes religious and cultural activities and the delicious Azorean culinary that is an integral part of these celebrations. Hundreds of people participate yearly in each of these events. The grape harvest feast is also a popular event every September, an occasion that provides its members and supporters with an opportunity to crush the grapes barefoot.
However, the biggest event of the year is the Azorean Cultural Week that takes place each November. Folklore, culinary, theatre, music, lectures, book launches, and other cultural activities catch the attention and imagination not only of the Portuguese community of Winnipeg but also of residents from different backgrounds.
Every Friday, Casa dos Açores opens its doors to serve fried fish, including the famous Azorean chicharrinho.
Piece written by unnamed author on behalf of President of Casa dos Açores de Winnipeg, João Paulo Melo, and translated by Paulo Pereira. Published with authorization from representative of the organization. |
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