Portuguese Canadian Dictionary
The evolution of language is a fascinating aspect of human culture, and the Portuguese Canadian community offers a unique insight into this process. With integration into Canadian society, Portuguese individuals have not only adapted to the English language but have also creatively molded it to fit their own linguistic heritage. This has resulted in a fascinating blend of languages, with new words and phrases emerging that showcase the community’s essence and their journey of fitting into a new culture while retaining their unique identity.
The list of words and phrases that follow is a dynamic project, conceived with community involvement, that captures this intriguing linguistic evolution. It is a testament to the power of human adaptation and the creativity that arises from cultural exchange. By contributing their insights and experiences, dozens of individuals from the Portuguese Canadian community have helped shape this list, ensuring it genuinely represents their unique linguistic blend.
This project is an ongoing collaboration, and we invite further contributions to capture the full scope of this phenomenon. It is a celebration of the community’s resilience and creativity, offering a window into the fascinating process of language evolution and cultural adaptation.
If you wish to contribute with a word or a phrase that fits into the Portuguese Canadian Dictionary, please do so by using our contact form or by emailing us at contact@lusocanada.com.
The Portuguese Canadian Dictionary
Agricultor | Farmeiro | Farmer |
Ama | Beibiceira | Babysitter |
Amor | Lave | Love |
Ano Escolar | Grau | Grade |
Antena Parabólica | Prato satélite | Satellite dish |
Aspirador | Vaquelina | Vacuum cleaner |
Assinatura | Signatura | Signature |
Atravessar | Crossar | To cross |
Atrelado | Trela, treila | Trailer |
Autocarro | Basse | Bus |
Autoestrada | Raioei, raiuei | Highway |
Blusão | Jaqueta, jaquete, suetere | Jacket/Sweater |
Caixote do Lixo | Bine do garbiche | Garbage bin |
Cantoneira de Aço | Angolana, angolaina | Angle line |
Caravana: Trela, treila | Trela, treila | Trailer |
Carrinha | Traque, troque | Truck |
Carrinho de mão | Úilbara | Wheelbarrow |
Casa de Campo | Cárage, cárige | Cottage |
Cavalo | Rorse | Horse |
Cave | Beicimento, beisemento, vencimento | Basement |
Cesto | Basqueta, basquete | Basket |
Chinelos | Chilipas, selipas, sulipas | Slippers |
Conduzir | Draivar | To drive |
Congelado | Frizado | Frozen |
Congelador | Friza | Freezer |
Congelar | Frizar | To freeze |
Consulta | Apontamento | Appointment |
Contas | Biles | Bills |
Contraplacado | Plaiúdo | Plywood |
Devolver algo | Trazer para trás | To bring back |
Devolver uma chamada | Ligar para trás | To call back |
Dinheiro | Moníche | Money |
Dólar | Dóla | Dollar |
Donuts | Donatas, donates, donetes | Donuts |
Elétrico | Estrite carro, setrite carro, triste carro | Streetcar (tram) |
Empresa | Companhia | Company |
Encomenda | Ordem | Order |
Encomendar | Ordenar, fazer uma ordem | To order |
Encontro/Reunião | Mitíngue | Meeting |
Entrada de Acesso | Draivuei | Driveway |
Escavar | Chavelar | To shovel |
Escova | Brache, broche | Brush |
Escritório | Ofício | Office |
Esfregona | Mapa | Mop |
Esquina | Córna | Corner |
Estacionar | Aparcar, parcar, parquear | To park |
Estrada | Rôde | Road |
Esvaziar | Dampar | To dump |
Exaustor | Féne | Fan |
Faca | Naife, naifa | Knife |
Festa | Pári | Party |
Foguetes | Roqueiras | Fireworks (rockets would be the most likely origin) |
Forno de Aquecimento | Furnaça | Furnace |
Gelado | Ai se crime | Ice cream |
Gerente | Manageiro, manageira | Manager |
Goma | Gama | Gum |
Guardanapo | Clinex | Kleenex (a brand of tissue) |
Guarda-roupa | Clauseta, clausete, closeta, closete | Closet |
Hipoteca | Morguicha, morquiche, morguite | Mortgage |
Home Depot (most famous home improvement retailer in Canada) | Róme dipô, rômedipo | Home Depot |
Hóquei | Roqui | Hockey |
Imposto Sobre Rendimento | Incontaquessas | Income tax |
Impostos | Táquessas | Taxes |
Instalador de Telhados | Rufere | Roofer |
Jardineiras | Alvarozes | Overalls |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | Galinha do velho | The man on the KFC logo |
Largar | Dropar | To drop |
Lavandaria | Landri | Laundry room/laundromat |
Lavar roupa | Fazer a laundri | To do the laundry |
Liberdade Condicional | Probeicha | Probation |
Ligado | Lincado | Linked |
Limpar | Fazer a clina | To clean |
Lixo | Garbicha, garbiche | Garbage |
Loja da Esquina | Corna setóre | Corner store |
Loja | Setóre | Store |
Manta/Cobertor | Blanqueta, blanquete | Blanket |
Manteiga de Amendoim | Pinabara | Peanut butter |
Metro | Sábuei | Subway |
Multa | Tiqueta | Ticket |
Nevar | Senouar | To snow |
Neve | Senô | Snow |
Nota Escolar | Marca | Mark (usually used in Canada to mean grades) |
Pá (de neve ou para escavar) | Chávela, chovela | Shovel |
Panela | Pana | Pan |
Patins | Esqueites | Skates |
Patrão | Bossa | Boss |
Pedreiro | Briqueleiro | Bricklayer |
Polegada | Incha | Inch |
Polícia | Tiqueteiro, ticuteiro | Ticketer (usually used for parking enforcement officials) |
Prédio | Buldíngue | Building |
Quinta | Farma | Farm |
Quintal | Baquiarde | Backyard |
Reabastecer | Meter gás | To get gas (usually used in Canada, meaning “to refuel”) |
Reboque | Trela, treila | Trailer |
Rebuçados | Candilhes | Candies |
Reluzir | Flachar | To flash |
Resfriador | Cúla | Cooler |
Rua Bathurst (Toronto) | Batrus Setrite | Bathurst Street |
Rua Dufferin (Toronto) | Dafrím Setrite | Dufferin Street |
Rua Ossington (Toronto) | Ócinta | Ossington Avenue |
Seguros | Inchurança | Insurance |
Semáforos | Sinal de luzes | Traffic lights |
Sinalizador | Blinca | Blinker |
Talocha | Floto | Float |
Telhado | Rufe, rufo | Roof |
Tijolo | Brique, brico | Brick |
Tim Hortons (most famous coffee shop in Canada) | Timortas, time rortenes, time rortones | Tim Hortons |
Torneio | Turnamento | Tournament |
Trabalha na limpeza | Faz clina | Cleaner |
Trânsito/tráfego | Tráfico | Traffic |
Vedação | Fênce | Fence |
Virar à direita/esquerda | Fazer uma direita/esquerda | To make a right/left |
f you notice errors or misrepresentations in the article, please e-mail contact@lusocanada.com |
Help us write History. To contribute to the dictionary, please send an email to contact@lusocanada.com |